Why did you start RVing?

When people ask us how we first started RVing, the answer usually surprises them.  The short answer is: “The dogs.”   In this post, I’ll share the full story. 

In February 2019, we had just spent about 10 days in the Orlando area for our annual winter get-away to someplace warm.   We experienced 16+ hours of Universal Studios (determined to get our money’s worth), a short Caribbean cruise porting out of Port Canaveral, and three days of a college softball tournament at the ESPN Wild World of Sports.   

As with all of our vacations, I found myself increasingly talking to Kasie about the dogs over the course of the trip.  Even though we had the best dog sitter in the world, I could not help but worry and miss them.   


Doing our best Harry Potter and Haggrid impersonation at Universal Studios in Orlando

Lana: “What do you think the dogs are doing?”

Kasie (exasperated):  “Sleeping.   Just like they were 15 minutes ago when you asked.”

Lana:  “Do you want to turn on the security cameras and watch them?”

Kasie:  “Not really.” (hands Lana her phone)

Lana (fidgeting to unlock Kasie’s phone):   “Where is that app again?”

(Kasie points)

Lana:  “I’m not seeing the dogs.  I don’t think the cameras are working.”

Kasie:  “Yes they are, you just have to be patient for the app to reload.”

Lana (a few seconds later): “Look at our cute babies.” (cooing noises)

Kasie:  “What are they doing?”

Lana: “Sleeping.”

At some point during the vacation, we started thinking of some way to take the dogs with us when we travel.  There was only one solution: buy an RV.  

Hand-painted card from our dog sitter (February 2019).   Yes, Brodie (far right) is eating poop.

Hand-painted card from our dog sitter (February 2019). Yes, Brodie (far right) is eating poop.

Kasie, of course, just heard the word “buy” and she was on-board with the plan.   Kasie loves buying stuff, especially new vehicles.   I’ve kept her in check for most of our marriage.  We try to keep a vehicle for at least 3 years (hopefully 6-7 years) before trading.   So, when Kasie figured out that we would not only be purchasing a travel trailer, but that she might also have to upgrade her tiny Tacoma for a beefier truck to pull the trailer, she was full speed ahead.  “You mean I get to buy two vehicles!!!!”

When we arrived back home to Missouri, we knew we had made the right choice.  Our dear friend who had been taking care of the dogs had hand-painted a card of them welcoming us home.  They missed us as much as we missed them.

In the end, we both love being able to spend time with the dogs when we travel.   There is something about coming “home” and seeing those goofy faces and wagging tails that makes every day (even a great vacation day) just a little bit better. 


Selecting Our First RV